二战末期,溃败的德军为了扭转局势,竟然找来了一个邪恶的巫师,企图利用他召唤出地狱男爵,打败盟军。幸亏盟军的突击队在他们进行仪式时及时赶到,顺利挫败了他们的阴谋,但这时候地狱男爵——1个婴儿已经被召唤出来了,盟军见此只好收养了他。教授布鲁姆(约翰•赫特 John Hurt 饰)是地狱男爵(朗•普尔曼 Ron Perlman 饰)的养父,他用自己的善良循循教导着男爵,男爵则利用自己刀枪不入的身体和通天本领为美国政府完成了多项特种任务。然而,阴暗邪恶的本性还是一直潜藏在男爵的心底,最终人类的善良能否战胜来自地狱的邪恶?
Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences.
Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy finds Tamadon shifting focus from the interrogated to the interrogator. The filmmaker sought an individual who had been interrogated by Iranian authorities in order to draw on their experiences to play an interrogator. The role finally fell to the Cannes-winning lead actor of Holy Spider, Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Together in an anonymous room, with Tamadon stripped to his underwear, they reconstruct the interrogation process, which gradually becomes an examination of the nature of power and coercion. The resulting film is intense and, at times, uncomfortable. And as it progresses, My Worst Enemy becomes an exploration of cinema’s relationship with its audience, questioning whether there is a limit to what it can show.
A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles Warren’s searing feature debut about fathers, families, and the effects of fighting.