石来在 S 市偶然结识了落魄的酒吧女乐手程飞雪,程飞雪在一个酒吧找到工作,石来也留在 S 市德修武馆做杂工,两人交往中渐生情愫。德修武馆中的厨师吴延,正是当年的武学奇人、隐姓埋名的伍原,但此时父子并不相识。
德修武馆馆主看重石来,让石来代表德修武馆和金碧武馆的进行对抗赛。此时程飞雪认识了音乐制作人 Jason ,两人交往密切。石来受到程飞雪移情别恋的影响,在武馆对抗赛中惨败,一蹶不振。
伍原得知石来就是自己亲生儿子后,帮助石来在搏击大赛中取得冠军。赛后石来打算离开 S 市的时候,在路口发现伍原已在等候他。伍原向石来坦白身份,父子俩开始一场比武。之后石来继续踏上他未完的人生路。
韦斯利(泰勒·派瑞 Tyler Perry 饰)是一个普世意义上的好人和成功者,无论是生活还是工作还是感情,他都能够安排的仅仅有条。无论是什么人提出的什么样的请求,出于好心韦斯利都会应允下来,而他的答复又总能够让所有的人都感到满意。可即便如此,韦斯利却始终对于生活缺乏真实感,他总觉得自己并不像一个有血有肉的人,而是一个被操纵的木偶。 一天,韦斯利在楼梯间邂逅了名为林赛(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)的清洁工。林赛是一名单身母亲,她的丈夫在不久之前离开了她,丢给了她一个调皮的孩子,林赛仅剩的,就是这份大楼保洁的既辛苦又卑微的工作。林赛的出现彻底打乱了韦斯利的人生,让他的生活走向失控。
Suliman and three further members of the ‘Sudanese Film Club’ have decided to revive an old cinema. They are united not only by their love of cinema and their passionate desire to restore old film stock and draw attention to Sudanese film history once more, but also by the fact that they have all enjoyed a film education in exile. Tirelessly, they try to get the cinema’s owners on their side and make the place operational again, but repeatedly find themselves up against considerable resistance. In the meantime, they sit together and talk about the past – including their experiences of persecution and even torture as oppositional artists. They also read out old letters written while in exile and dream of a Sudan in which art and intellectual thought can be free. ‘We are smarter than them, but not as strong,’ is how they unanimously summarise their situation. It is in laconic moments such as these that the viewer is able to perceive the friendship, as well as the bond and ideological solidarity that exists in the struggle for common ideals.
Suhaib Gasmelbari puts the history of Sudanese cinema at the centre of his film and at the same time sheds light on the current situation in a country shaken by ongoing crises.
Wide Open Sky是一部来自澳大利亚的纪录片,它记录了澳大利亚莫拉贝拉好声音合唱团的温馨故事。他们将从试镜到年终音乐会的历程记录下来,以展示给观众。在这里,体育是王道,音乐教育是不存在的。尽管如此,指挥家米歇尔对合唱团仍有很高的期望。她想教孩子们当代的,原创的,要求较高的音乐。Wide Open Sky是一个破坏性和美感并存的纪录片,是一个动人的童年可能性的动态呈现,并提醒我们为什么孩子们都应该成长在有音乐的环境,而非隔绝音乐的环境。