凯瑟琳(洛丽泰·扬 Loretta Young 饰)出生在一个平凡的农户家中,为了能够走进更高一层的阶级中去,凯瑟琳决定前往大城市学习医务护理以便成为一名护士。然而,梦想刚刚扬帆起航便遭遇了海啸,凯瑟琳的全部积蓄都被骗子骗走,她甚至要面临流落街头的悲惨命运。幸运的是,凯瑟琳看到了一则招聘广告,年轻的议员格兰(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)正在为他的豪宅雇佣一名女佣,就这样,凯瑟琳去应聘了。
一个全身赤裸的年轻男人蹲在室内靠窗的一株树干上,目光呆滞。他就是芬尼克斯(Axel Jodorowsky 饰),被关在精神病院的一位患者。从小体弱多病性格孤僻的芬尼克斯,童年是在马戏班里度过的。父亲奥高(盖伊·斯托克韦尔 Guy St ockwell 饰)是马戏班班主,母亲嘉西娅(布兰卡·格拉 Blanca Guerra 饰)是空中飞人的演员。嘉西娅信奉拜物教,她供的神是个被两个兄弟奸杀的断臂少女。在她流血的地方,人们挖池贮水建起教堂,取名“圣血”。当神父发现所谓的圣血不过是红油漆水时,同意当地政府拆毁教堂。嘉西娅带领教徒反抗。当嘉西娅发现奥高与人通奸时发起报复,奥高拿飞刀斩去嘉西娅双臂,割脉自杀。芬尼克斯进入精神病院。在嘉西娅的唆使下,芬尼克斯逃出精神病院,成为了嘉西娅的“魔手”。
来自爱达荷州的布兰迪(奥布瑞·普拉扎 Aubrey Plaza 饰)刚刚高中毕业,正准备升入大学,然而纯朴如她,对大学男女生之间的“互动”可谓毫无经验。在一次派对上,她初尝醉酒的滋味,并差点与心仪的男孩罗斯蒂(斯科特·波特 Scott Porter 饰)偷食禁果,然而她有些笨拙生硬的反应让罗斯蒂最终作罢。布兰迪开始为自己对性事的无知感到惭愧,为了不让自己输在起跑线上,能够顺利融入“声色犬马”的大学生活,布兰迪列出了一张详细的“学习清单”,决定在开学前全方位熟识性的方方面面,并把与罗斯蒂发生关系列入了这张“待办清单”中,紧接着,这位清纯少女推开性爱大门的体验课程开启了……
母亲去世之后,阿曼达(莎拉•米歇尔•盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)继承了母亲生前精心经营的餐馆。然而没过多久,阿曼达便发现,从前门庭若市的餐馆,如今生意一天不如一天,甚至濒临了倒闭的边缘。
一次偶然中,阿曼达邂逅了名为汤姆(肖恩•派特里克•弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery)的男子。之后,汤姆在机缘巧合之下来到了阿曼达的餐厅吃饭,让阿曼达感到不敢相信的是,汤姆的存在令自己的厨艺大增,餐厅就此度过了这次经营危机。随着时间的推移,阿曼达和汤姆之间的距离越来越近,然而,汤姆对于阿曼达产生的种种误会使得后者感到深深的受伤,两人之间的感情产生了裂痕。
Two villages in Rayalaseema, Nallagudi and Kommadi are engaged in a feud for decades lead by Basi Reddy and Narapa Reddy respectively. The son of Narapa Reddy, Veera Raghava Reddy, returns from London after completing his education. Basi Reddy attacks and kills Narapa Reddy on their way home. Raghava instinctively takes a sword and kills his opponents. After talking to his grandmother about the feud, he realizes that violence became a way of life for the people in these villages and he leaves for Hyderabad seeking a solution to the feud. Raghava meets Aravindha in Hyderabad and falls in love with her. She strongly believes in solving problems without bloodshed and sets him on a path of self-discovery. He decides to return to his village and put an end to the feud.
故事发生在1936年的德国,那一年,在德国柏林举办了第11届奥林匹克运动会。乔治(让-保罗·贝尔蒙多 Jean Paul Belmondo 饰)是一名来自法国的拳击教练,尽管他对法西斯的残暴统治深恶痛绝,但迫于形势也只能委曲求全。
乔治曾经在一战中担任过飞行员的职务,激烈的交战之中,他与名叫甘特(弗兰克·霍夫曼 Frank Hoffmann 饰)的德国飞行员相识了,两人之间产生了真挚的友谊。在奥运会上,乔治和甘特重逢了,他们的友谊并没有因为时间的流逝而沾染尘埃。一次偶然中,乔治和甘特遇见了一名犹太男孩,男孩悲惨的境遇令两个男人心中十分不忍,他们决定联起手来,尽各自所能,将男孩和他的家人送往境外。
Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric British culture, an enigma that has seduced archaeologists and tourists for centuries. Why is it here? What is its significance? And which forces inspired its creators? Now a group of international archaeologists led by the University of Birmingham and the Ludwig Boltzman Institute in Vienna believe that a new state-of-the-art approach is the key to unlocking Stonehenge's secrets. For four years the team have surveyed and mapped every monument, both visible and invisible, across ten square kilometres of the sacred landscape to create the most complete digital picture of Stonehenge and the surrounding area over millennia. Known monuments have yielded more data than ever before, revealing hidden structures within, and new finds are revolutionising the very timeline of Stonehenge.
Operation Stonehenge takes the viewer on a prehistoric journey from 8000BC to 2500BC as the scientists uncover the very origins of Stonehenge, learning why this landscape is sacred, preserved and has been revered by following generations. Evidence of war and conflict, as well as the cultivation of ideas and industry, is explored to reveal complex communities with international trade links as far-reaching as Spain and central Europe.
Using CGI to reveal the monuments hidden beneath Stonehenge and featuring factually sourced dramatic reconstructions, the stories of the buildings and the people that occupied this sacred landscape over four millennia ago are revealed in comprehensive detail.